Tuesday, March 30, 2010


So on the plus side, after about 8 months in China, I finally got out of Shanghai to another part of the country. On the down side, I was so busy during the 4 days in Chengdu, I didn’t get a chance to really see much of the city (Apart from the 100 foot statue of Mao hailing a Taxi). Guess I’ll just give you all a recap of what I actually did do in Chengdu.
The reason that I went to Chengdu was because of work. Every year there is this HUGE festival called the Sugar and Spirits fair. And basically any company that has even the slightest connection to food and beverage is there trying to promote their product. The reason I went to this fair was because my Chinese distribution company, Summergate Inc, had a booth there and wanted a representative of Concha Y Toro to help them meet and sign new wholesalers, wine shop owners, and other retailers.

Some of the highlights of the fair included…
  1. The Press Conference- I never thought I would be important enough to be a part of a press conference. I was in a large room with about 30-40 members of Chinese TV stations, wine magazines, and newspapers, as well as about 100-150 people of the general public. I talked about the history of Concha Y Toro, CYT’s partnership with China, and how the earthquake in Chile is going to affect CYT in the future. I even had to answer some questions! Fortunately I had a translator, so I didn’t have to fumble through trying to answer in Chinese. (even though I can now…fumble being the key word).
  2. Dinner with the Wholesalers-One of the nights we had a big dinner at the Shangri-la with the hopeful new wholesalers. It felt like speed dating. Between every course, the wine representatives, including myself, had to stand up, move to a new table, and meet about 20 new people. Unlike speed dating however, I didn’t get any numbers, and most of my dates were old Chinese men. (So I guess I should be grateful I didn’t get any numbers)
  3. TV Interview- At one point during the festival, one of the news stations from Chengdu TV came up to the Summergate stand. They asked me to open a bottle of wine, pour three glasses, and toast the camera; all while telling the legend of our most famous wine Casillero Del Diablo. I’ve never been so nervous in my life!!! But I told the story, poured the wine, toasted the camera, and controlled my bladder. Later, I found out it ended up being a commercial that promoted the Sugar and Spirit fair on pretty much every Chengdu TV station. Awesome.
Now, if that wasn’t enough to make me feel like a celebrity, then simply being in Chengdu accomplished that. I don’t know what it was, but they must have a serious shortage of white guys in Chengdu, or tall ones at least. As I walked around the hundreds of thousands of people at the festival, I must have had my picture taken with at minimum, 500 Chinese people. I eventually ended up just carrying a bottle of my wine around for free publicity for our company. All in all, an amazing experience.

Things Ezra has learned…
  1. Chileans type out laughing “jajajaja” Just typing that makes me laugh…hahaha. Sorry, jajaja
  2. I’ve been working with non-USA people too long. I actually said “Ciao” and didn’t think twice about it. I never realized how many people outside of the US use that word.
  3. I officially have a Chinese metabolism. I drank the tap water and didn’t get sick.
  4. I’m the equivalent of Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, Hugh Jackman, and a pair of stilts when I go to Chengdu. That city is one huge ego boost for me.
  5. Never tell a Chengdu restaurant owner you want his hottest dish….I couldn’t feel my lips for about 4 hours and I think I lost a little hearing in my left ear….
  6. Domestic flights in China are horrible if you’re over 5 ½ feet tall. My knees were up by my chin.
  7. It’s official, I’m moving to Singapore in 3 weeks. Singapore is basically a clean, western, and more boring version of China….from what I’ve heard. Anywhoo, I’m excited!
Until Sometime soon!


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